Many animals unfortunately suffer from a rather negative image in human culture, regarded by us as frightening, disgusting or just plain lowly. 在人类文化中,许多动物很不幸地被赋予了反面形象:人类觉得它们看起来吓人、恶心或者只是因为长相太平常。
"If the negative image caused by food safety issues cannot be corrected, its impact on the inbound ( tourist) market will linger," she said, without elaboration. 她说:“借使由于食品平安题目招致的反面形象不能取得改善,这将对入境(旅游)市场形持久的影响。”没有就该题目做过多解释。
Such kind of labeling has retrieved the original connotation of "the masses" as the aggregation of the lumpen and eventually imposed a negative image to "the masses". 这种固定搭配既唤醒了“群众”的本来涵义&乌合之众,也是对“群众”的“丑学”赋形。
Received wisdom and hard-won experience says," Never put a negative image on the cover. " 公认的名言和来知不易的经验告诉我们:“永远不要以负面图像作封面。”
Does this rather negative image of capitalism in show business actually matter? 电影工业塑造的这种较为负面的资本主义形象是否会对现实生活造成影响?
In the past, derivatives and structured financial products have often had a negative image because they appeared to exacerbate risk: speculators have sometimes used them to take highly leveraged bets, resulting in spectacular losses when they went wrong. 过去,衍生品和结构性金融产品往往呈现一种负面形象,因为它们似乎加剧了风险:投机者有时利用它们进行杠杆比率很高的押注,一旦失误,就会蒙受巨大损失。
The Dark World is sort of a negative image of Light World, with gnarled trees, twisted creatures, and deviously degenerate dungeons. 暗黑世界是光明世界的负面景象,有光秃的树木,奇异的生物和曲折诡异的地牢。
The results indicated that Japanese students have a negative image of people in power and want to avoid jobs that bear heavy responsibilities. 这一结果反映出日本学生对权势者抱有的成见以及害怕承担责任重大工作的心理。
Poor: Major effort ( such as painting building) needed to overcome negative image. Most storage areas cluttered and disorganized. 差:须较大的改进行动(如粉刷建筑物)消除对形象的负面影响。大多数储存区域混乱、乏整理。
The negative image of immigrants is largely due to ignorance. 移民的不良形象的形成主要是因为外界对他们不了解。
The negative image on a photographic plate 相片板上明暗相反的像
The moral behind this cover is," If you are going to use a negative image, don't pussyfoot around, do it with conviction. " 这期封面告诉我们,“如果你打算使用负面图像,不要谨小慎微,只管放心地去用。”
To each time tumbles stands immediately, each time falls down the negative image rubber ball to jump equally a higher person, does not matter the defeat. 对每次跌倒而立刻站起来、每次坠地反像皮球一样跳得更高的人,是无所谓失败的。
The technique of scribing produces a negative image. 刻图制作出一张阴像地图。
Divorce tends to be associated with a negative image. 离婚容易有负面形象的联想。
But the negative image of Saudi Arabia in the United States makes many faculty members reluctant to go to Saudi Arabia or cooperate with KAUST. 但是沙特阿拉伯在美国的负面形象让许多大学教员不愿意去沙特阿拉伯或者与KAUST合作。
Plant very cluttered and disorganized, conveys negative image to visitors. 厂房混乱无组织,给来访者留下负面印象。
The theory and application of the digital image processing technology used in the nuclear pressure vessel nondestructive test negative image process are discussed in this paper. 本文论述了数字图像处理技术在核压力容器无损检测底片图像处理中的理论和应用。
According to the character of human being and the negative image, the processed image that are suit to be checked and recognized can be got by the use of different algorithms. 根据人的视觉局限性和核压力容器底片图像的特点,通过选择不同的图像算法来获得适合于人观察、检测和识别的图像。
Enlarging the negative image of women; 负面形象扩大化;
Positive psychology has changed the negative image of traditional American psychology. It pushes the transformation from negative psychology to positive psychology. 积极心理学一改美国传统心理学往日消极的形象,初步实现了心理学由消极向积极的转变,代表了当代科学心理学的最新发展,体现了认知心理学与人本心理学的初步融合。
Then, reflecting the negative image of a region in the media, local government how to use the media deal with? This is the last chapter. 那么对于一个地区在媒体中折射出来的负面形象,当地政府应该如何利用媒介应对?这是本文最后一个章节。
Since its birth, hackers are known as their controversial negative image. 黑客自诞生以来,就以其充满争议的负面形象为人们所熟知。
The negative image of this group of people shaped by urban society has influenced the employment and life of them. 城市社会塑造的农村外出谋生群体的负面形象,已经影响到这个群体的就业、生活等各方面。
Positive, negative image it creates is a typical representative of each social stratum, social group. "The parrot stories" is a India classical Sanskrit stories, because the stories parrot altogether about fifty-two story named. 它创造的正、反面形象是现实社会各个阶层、集团的典型代表。《鹦鹉故事》是一部印度古典梵语故事集,因为故事集中的鹦鹉一共讲了五十二则故事而得名。
Although emphasized in jiangsu, the characteristics and high image oil painting, but not for other areas of the oil painting to negative image. 虽着重强调江浙沪意象油画的特点及其高度,但并不是对其它地区的意象油画进行否定。
Precisely for this conscious effort he was able to defuse the impact of the negative image on his political career and turn crises into opportunities. 正因这种自觉的努力,使其往往能够化解负面形象对其政治生涯的影响,化危为机。
The contrast of these two highly negative image is not only an economic phenomenon in media market, but a cultural phenomenon in modern society. 文章进一步对网游青少年的恶魔与受害者形象进行了符号学意义上的解析,认为这两种极具反差的负面形象,不仅是传媒市场的一种经济现象,而且是现代社会的一种文化现象。
The fifth chapter studies the criticized negative image of women. 第五章研究被批判的反面女性形象。
As a very new field of study, organization silence is a negative image of organizational behavior discussed in theoretical circles in the field of vision. 组织沉默(OrganizationSilence)作为一个非常新的研究领域,是以一种负面组织行为形象出现在理论界讨论视野中的。